RE #91: Spencer Levy - Chairman of Americas Research & Senior Economic Advisor for CBRE

Spencer Levy is Chairman of Americas Research and Senior Economic Advisor for CBRE. He plays an integral role in the development and implementation of the global research strategy and business plan.

On this episode, Spencer and Chris discuss what COVID has done across multiple asset classes and markets and why he's bullish on cities like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. They also talk office and retail, Spencer's 2021 predictions, interest rate environments, technologies that are coming in the near future that will massively impact real estate, and more. Enjoy!

(02:28) - Spencer’s Background and Business Career
(03:44) - How does research funnel up at CBRE?
(05:33) - Were you seeing COVID and its implications before the rest of the USA? Did something, in particular, stand out to you?
(07:21) - As it stands today, what pops out at you in your research that we should be thinking about in the US in terms of opportunities and challenges?
(09:22) - COVID Vaccines and Their Effect on Short Term Thinking
(10:23) - Is there an indicator that people are heading back to the office?
(13:32) - What stands out to you in retail?
(16:01) - Is there any hope for the regional mall?
(17:52) - Are you expecting to see a distressed market or will we skip it entirely?
(20:22) - What does your research tell you about the supposed exodus of major cities like LA, NYC, and SF?
(22:14) - Does any of this exodus have to do with the extremism of governmental response to COVID?
(24:52) - What are some overlooked markets across the US that will be robust cities in the near future?
(27:39) - Is there a technology we will see over the next decade that will be transformational?
(29:27) - What are the impacts of self-driving cars when it comes to real estate values?
(31:04) - How do they affect parking garages in downtown areas?
(32:45) - What are some of the major impacts the new white house administration will have on CRE?
(34:48) - Are we going to be in a low rate environment for quite a while?
(36:42) - What are some data points to look at when scoping the viability of a new market?
(40:00) - Do you have any comments on data centers and their demand?
(42:48) - What does responsive real estate mean?
(44:30) - What are your predictions for 2021?
(45:33) - Do you have a morning routine?
(46:38) - What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
(47:48) - Is there a book that has had a significant impact on you?
(49:08) - Places to Learn More About CBRE

(Originally Aired on 12/03/2020)

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